Introducing "Differences Are Dynamite!"

Welcome to a new type of club! It’s a club where our friends are different from us in lots of ways. We celebrate those differences (instead of hiding them or being ashamed of them) because that’s what makes us special. What differences do you have that we can celebrate? We would love to have you join our club!
Join six animal friends as they discover their differences and how to celebrate those differences. Michael Mouse has been sick and in the hospital, Nathan the Cat has six toes on one paw, Sophia the Dog has one ear the stands up and one ear that falls in her face, Betty the Butterfly has a difficult time with reading, Paul the Dinosaur is really smart, and Rebecca Rabbit lives her life in a wheelchair. The friends know they are not like everyone else, and they’re proud of that! Discover their journey accepting their differences and learning how to cope with them!
Readers will come away with the message: “I am different from everyone else and those differences make me who I am.”
“Differences Are Dynamite!” will encourage kids to look favorably and confidently at their own differences, and to be kind and make friends with those who are different from them. You don’t have to be the same to be friends or fit in.
This colorful picture book will quickly become a favorite that boys and girls in preschool through grade 5 will ask to read again and again. It will help parents and educators start an age-appropriate conversation about kindness, diversity, prejudice, and anti-bullying. Visit for free coloring pages of the characters and to learn more about lesson plans available to help turn this book into an insightful and fun lesson the kids will not soon forget.
The lessons taught in “Differences Are Dynamite!” will impact the world in a positive way by highlighting the ways kids are different from each other while also helping kids to accept themselves just as they are and to accept others too.
“Differences Are Dynamite!” is also available in Spanish.